ಮೂರನೇ ಆವೃತ್ತಿ, ಸಂಚಿಕೆ ೯: ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಕಲಿಕೆಗೆ ಗೋಡೆ ಬರಹ (Season 3, Episode 9: The Graffiti Man)

Akshara Foundation Season 3 Episode 9

Please welcome Mr. B. L. Poojari in this episode of ‘Prathibimba’ – by the teachers, for the teachers!

Mr. Poojari has been working as a teacher for 27 years and is now the Head Master of the school. He likes teaching Science and Maths. He has played a major role in increasing the students' strength significantly in every school he has worked. He goes to their houses in the village and convinces the parents to send their wards to school. In one school, he has grown 500 plants by carrying water from a well himself! 

Since the schools were closed during the pandemic, he has spent his personal money and gotten the walls of 6 class rooms ready, with different relevant graffiti!  The graffiti covers general knowledge information as well. 

According to Mr. Poojari, it is not enough if they just go to the students' houses in an effort to get them admitted. He remembers an incident of being challenged by the villagers to get first class results for all 7th grade students in the public exam. He worked very hard and achieved it, and also got the gold reward! He is convinced that this result is crucial in increasing the school's strength. Another important factor is treating the children with love, rather than with fear. 

During the visit to the houses, he impresses on the parents the hidden talents of their wards and tells them about how to encourage the children. This has also played a major role in increasing the enrolment at schools. 

At the entrance of the school he has written about 20 points on how ‘Health is Wealth’. He has painted/written the number tables on water tanks, so that a child can look at them and allow it all to sink in, while drinking water. Various parts of the class walls don different aspects of language such as vocabulary, grammar etc. Specific places are reserved for teaching maths concepts such as squares and square roots. 

Mr. Poojari acknowledges and remembers the cooperation and support by the education department officers in achieving this much success. He is also grateful to his colleagues who have contributed positively in developing the school.

Hope you enjoyed listening to this recording by Akshara Foundation. If you have an interesting story, please share your story with 98450 79590.